The Stages of Motherhood

With my daughter’s 16th birthday just days away, I have definitely been feeling all of the emotions and nostalgia lately. This past weekend, we were celebrating with family and my sister-in-law, who is in the throws of the toddler and baby years, jokingly asked me if I wanted to switch lives with her for a week. It struck me because I think we all have these moments where we need a break and want to step into the next phase of motherhood. It made me stop and look at each of my sisters-in-law and the stage we are all in. Motherhood is a forever job but it definitely evolves and changes and while all of it is amazing in the end, it evokes different feelings at each point.

I look back on the last 18 years of being a mom and I can vividly remember those early years, just wanting to eat a hot meal in peace or enjoy coffee in silence for just a few minutes to escape the chaos. It seems exhausting and watching my youngest nephews, I was definitely worn out but it’s also that magical time of firsts and discovering their personalities and how they will start to turn into full fledged kids. Those sweet smiles and hugs they so willingly give while asking nothing in return. Well, except maybe food and a clean diaper:) It seems messy in the moment at times but when it’s gone, you miss it like crazy.

My other sister-in-law has boys who are 8 and 11 and in that stage of life where you are constantly on the go, between sports and activities. You find your weekends full and completely exhausting but when I look back on this stage of life, I miss those crazy weekends filled with making so many memories. Seeing how they begin to develop friendships and navigate some independence from you is such a stepping stone into those critical teen years.

While my son is 18, my youngest is still very much in the throws of teen life and starting to establish her own life and very soon, gain even more independence with her drivers license. It’s that stage that ultimately prepares you for them to leave because they start spending less and less time with you and the time you do get is definitely precious. They still need you to parent and discipline them but they also need a mentor they can turn to.

And then there is my sister-in-law with one already off in college and one getting ready to graduate high school and make them empty nesters. I get emotional myself thinking about it for them and I know that stage is just around the corner for me too. That time when your youngest leaves and you wonder where the years went but you also have so much pride and love for them you could burst.

To say any of these stages is easy would be a huge understatement but each of them brings so much joy that it makes the journey of motherhood one that is truly one of life’s greatest gifts. I know for me, I am holding on to all of those sweet memories while creating as many as I can in the time I have left.