Dealing with Different Personalities

For today’s Wellness Wednesday post, I decided to write about a topic that has been on my mind lately. We were all created as unique individuals and that is part of what makes this world so special. No two people are alike but what we make together is a beautiful diverse mix of people. It’s similar to a bouquet of flowers. The individual flowers have their own beauty but combined with others, they take on a whole new look.

While we are all created to be individuals, each of us has our own unique personality that goes along with it. In order to come together in any fashion, we have to learn how to relate, work together and basically deal with each other’s personality traits.

My full-time job is in the advertising world and I work with a variety of clients every day. I love my job because I consider myself a “people person” and a problem solver, but I have to admit, I have had my fair share of challenging personalities to contend with as I’m sure most of you have as well either in the workplace, at home, or even with family and friends.

It’s so important to learn how to relate to others or else we may find ourselves living a life full of contention and strife. Not everyone communicates the same way that I do or necessarily chooses kindness over anger, but it’s how we respond that truly sets us apart. Relationships, in any form, take compromise and a deep level of understanding. Anytime I find myself in a challenging situation either professionally or personally, I try to take a step back and adjust my approach.

First and foremost, I stay true to myself and try to not stoop to someone’s level. The minute I become defensive or take on a tone that doesn’t mirror my personality, I know it’s time to walk away from the situation and take a break.

Second, I am a firm believer in being honest and genuine at all times. It doesn’t mean that we speak our minds freely at all times, especially if our thoughts in the moment are angry, but it means that if we find ourselves in an uncomfortable exchange, it’s important to communicate openly and try to resolve the conflict the best way possible.

Finally, I think trying to put ourselves in other people’s shoes is an important part of learning how to have healthy relationships on any level. When a situation becomes frustrating, it is often best to take a step back and try to relate to how the other person is feeling and in turn, reacting. When we do this, often we can find a way to resolve the situation and even look internally at how we potentially contributed to the issue.

Ultimately, relationships and the personalities that come with them are a part of life. Embracing each other’s differences can enhance our lives in so many ways. Finding a way to really appreciate one another makes us more well rounded and in the end, can produce some of the best friendships and partnerships in life.