What is the Secret to Happiness?

Do any of us really know or do we spend our whole lives trying to figure it out? To me, happiness is a choice but also a journey, constantly evolving along with us. Recently, one of the influencers I follow, Jess Todryk, posted a challenge to ask our kids this question and some of the answers were so sweet, pure and innocent. This question really resonated with me, especially as I approach another birthday and look at where I am in my own life.

If you ask me, the secret to happiness is God and family. Those two things are what bring me joy daily and remind me of my true blessings and reason to be happy. When I look around me and see others in different stages, it reminds me that this question is different for everyone, depending on the stage of life you are in. To my teenagers, it is spending time with friends and doing the things they love, which is exactly what it should be at their ages. To my mother-in-law recovering from shoulder surgery, it is being healthy and active. When that was temporarily taken away from her, she recognized it more than ever.

But it also begs the question of how do we truly sustain happiness? We all know life is going to be full of ups and downs and throw us curveballs all the time that may potentially disrupt our blissful state. If we aren’t rooted in maintaining happiness as a priority in our life, it can disappear quickly and be hard to find again. Here are a few things that I think about when trying to truly live a life that I get excited to wake up for each day.

Daily Habits-It is so important to have daily ways to ensure that, even on the hard days, you can find some joy or good in the day. From daily devotional time, journaling, time in prayer, exercise, conversations with a friend, or just treating yourself to brighten your spirits, there are so many simple ways to stay mindful of your mental state each day. For me, because I work from home, incorporating these into my day is so important for me to not get lost in work or find myself trapped in my home.

Make Plans-We all know how good it is for the soul when we have something on the calendar to look forward to. And if you don’t, be mindful of making those plans. Reach out to family or friends and plan a day trip or even lunch at a new place. It doesn’t have to be big but, again, getting through a more difficult day becomes easier when you know there is something to look ahead to.

Make Changes-If there is an aspect of your life that isn’t bringing you peace and happiness, change it. I know it sounds so simple and I know it isn’t, but it is so critical to your future self. Change doesn’t happen overnight and can be painful at times, but if you don’t take the steps to alter it, negativity can take you down with it. If your career doesn’t bring you joy, take a step back and re-evaluate if it is still the right place for you. If a relationship of any kind is bringing you more sorrow than happiness, it may be time to take a break from it. Whatever it is, even working towards a change can alter our mindset to the place where can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Give Yourself Grace-Daily happiness is a choice but we all know that taking the steps to ensure we maintain it won’t always be crystal clear. Mistakes will be made along the way, but that’s what makes the journey to happiness all that more rewarding. If I had asked myself this same question at 20, 30 and even 40, I probably would have had different answers at each stage. Now I know what I value most to provide happiness but I have no doubt that I will continue to be challenged to truly live the life God intended. So, what is your secret to happiness? Whatever it is, I urge you to find it, hold onto it and do everything you can do make it last. Life is too short to do anything else.