Sweet 16 Country Theme Party

When my daughter said she wanted to throw a Sweet 16 party at the house, we immediately went into planning mode weeks in advance. She knew her theme early on was going to be country so that helped with brainstorming. Amazon was our hero as usual but I thought I would share some of the party ideas for anyone looking to throw a similar theme or just looking for new ideas. Activities The very first request was to make sure[Read more]

The Stages of Motherhood

Mother and Daughter

With my daughter’s 16th birthday just days away, I have definitely been feeling all of the emotions and nostalgia lately. This past weekend, we were celebrating with family and my sister-in-law, who is in the throws of the toddler and baby years, jokingly asked me if I wanted to switch lives with her for a week. It struck me because I think we all have these moments where we need a break and want to step into the next phase[Read more]

Mid-Winter Lull-How to Stay Motivated

I don’t know about you but this time of year can always be a bit more challenging to stay motivated and inspired. With the official start to Spring still about a month away and the holidays now well behind us, I always find myself in the mid-winter lull where everyday seems routine and there isn’t much to get excited about. Going in to the 3 day weekend, I could feel myself on burnout and needing to recharge. While I wanted[Read more]

2022 Home Renovation Projects

In 2022, we will have lived in our house for 18 years. That seems so crazy but our son was just shy of his 1st birthday when we moved in. Needless to say, it has endured many years of family life, including kids and dogs. Over the years, we have tackled a few home renovation projects, some by choice and some out of necessity, due to water leaks and home damage. Over 5 years ago, we completely remodeled and upgraded[Read more]

Family Vacation to Maui

Well, if you were patient enough to keep following along with my vacation pics a couple of weeks ago, you know that we took a very long overdue trip to Maui right before Christmas. I thought I would take the time to outline our trip and some tips and tricks that worked for us. Bear in mind, I am not an avid traveler but hopefully this will help someone like me who has never been to the island or wants[Read more]