What Motivates You Each Morning?

Daily Motivational Habits

It sounds so simple and maybe it is. From your first cup of coffee to crushing those goals, I always love to hear what excites people to kick off their day. If you’re not a morning person, maybe it is none of the above, but for me, having a routine and plan for the day is a key part of my morning motivation. I thought I would share a few things from my daily routine but always love hearing what[Read more]

Life Update: Protecting our Kids

Drivers License Photo

It has been a minute since I have written a new blog post. If you follow me on social media, you know my daily posts are mini blogs so finding time to sit down and write something longer has been a bit more challenging lately. I felt compelled to write a new blog as it has been a week filled with change and reminders of how important it is to protect our kids as much as we can. Earlier this[Read more]

What is the Secret to Happiness?

Family photo

Do any of us really know or do we spend our whole lives trying to figure it out? To me, happiness is a choice but also a journey, constantly evolving along with us. Recently, one of the influencers I follow, Jess Todryk, posted a challenge to ask our kids this question and some of the answers were so sweet, pure and innocent. This question really resonated with me, especially as I approach another birthday and look at where I am[Read more]

Dallas Getaway Recap

For those of you following along on my Instagram page, we spent the last weekend traveling to Dallas on a college tour for my daughter. With just 3 full days and lots of places to cover on our list, we were all over the city but, in the end, we checked all the boxes of everything we wanted to do while there. While our trip was not a typical vacation, I thought I would recap it for anyone traveling to[Read more]

Girl’s Weekend Planning Tips

Who doesn’t love a girl’s weekend away? And if you’re a busy mom, I’m guessing you don’t get to take them nearly as much as you would like. This last Christmas, my mom decided to gift each of the girls a weekend getaway to Palm Springs to enjoy some relaxation and vacation time. It was the ideal gift to force all of us to get some dates on the calendar and start the planning. Below are some tips for planning[Read more]

Sweet 16 Country Theme Party

When my daughter said she wanted to throw a Sweet 16 party at the house, we immediately went into planning mode weeks in advance. She knew her theme early on was going to be country so that helped with brainstorming. Amazon was our hero as usual but I thought I would share some of the party ideas for anyone looking to throw a similar theme or just looking for new ideas. Activities The very first request was to make sure[Read more]