March-A Month of Celebrations

This is my third month writing this monthly recap blog and I love the chance it gives me to reflect back and remember the good times, the challenges and the best memories to hold onto.

Every month, I have been looking at lessons learned and how to carry those forward into the new month. This month, I am not only looking back but setting some goals for April for myself.

March was a month of more rain here in California which we are not used to at all. In fact, most of us were downright complaining about it by the end of the month despite needing the water to get us out of our drought. We are definitely spoiled by our weather here, which is why we pay so much to live here. I never realized how much the weather can impact your mental state, especially when you work from home. We definitely tried to get out and enjoy the sunny days as much we could since they became precious commodities.

Life will always throw you curveballs. It’s what you do with them that counts. My boys planned an impromptu trip to New Mexico to participate in a mountain bike ride with my brother-in-law. After driving out 14 hours, their plans quickly changed when he was too sick to go. So, instead, they explored the local trails and soaked up some family time for the little more than 24 hours they were there. Bonding time with our kids is rare these days so having that time together, despite the hiccup in plans, was still pretty special.

Our daughter turned 17 in March, which was so bittersweet. We know this is our last year of childhood with her and almost her last year of high school. We are truly treasuring every moment we can knowing that it will all come to an end not too long from now. At the same time, each stage of life can be beautiful in its own way. We just have to be open to it.

She also began making plans for prom, which meant lots of prom dress shopping and alterations. Stay tuned for more on this topic in April.

Our niece turned 16 and I got the chance to watch her play softball earlier in the month too. Our other niece and nephew returned home for Spring Break so we had lots of family time catching up with them too. It is so special to see these kids turning into amazing young adults and truly enjoying being with them.

Life will always keep us on our toes in some way but I am leaving March feeling blessed, grateful and open to the possibilities that the rest of the year will bring. I am not taking a single moment for granted.