Decisions. Decisions.

Most of us would consider ourselves good decision makers overall when it comes to the big life altering ones, and I’m guessing that even if you have a few not so good ones in there, you have learned from them and grown that much more as a person. When it comes to making decisions, are you an over thinker like yours truly or do you go with your gut instinct and trust that whatever the outcome, that is the best course of action?

I have had so many discussions lately about making decisions and I know all types of people. From those who waiver back and forth until they are forced to make a decision to those who don’t like to second guess themselves and go with their first reaction. When it comes to everyday decisions, I believe that God made us all different for a reason. That is why no matter what your decisions are or anyone else’s, there will always be someone who doesn’t agree with it. And that’s okay. Sometimes it can make for some pretty unfair decisions but in the end, these moments teach us that sometimes we have to accept the outcome whether it is the route we would have taken or not.

We talk with our kids about decisions that their coaches make or their teachers or even their peers all the time. When it comes to coaches, we have seen some of the best and some of the worst over time, but in the end we have always taught our kids to respect their decisions, even the crazy ones. The same can be said for their teachers. Even I have to admit I have encountered some teachers that I completely disagree with some of their decisions, but I also know that my chances of changing them are slim.

When it comes to our peers, whether that is friends, family, co-workers, or anyone that we come into contact with, it is pretty common to not always see eye to eye. Again, our uniqueness is what makes us who we are and the world would be a pretty dull place if no one ever second guessed the decisions of others. We live in a country where we have the right to our opinion and we are truly blessed for that. But it also means that with differing opinions comes hostility, anger and frustration in a lot of cases.

While life is certainly not fair sometimes when the decisions of others impact us in a negative way, I also believe that it is those moments that define us and make us stronger. They make us stand up and take notice and demand that our voice be heard as well. Whatever decisions you have ahead, whether they are life changing or simple, remember that not everyone will agree with you no matter what you decide but if you feel in your heart, above all else, you are making the right decision, then you should stand up and be proud. Some of life’s greatest journeys start with one decision. Have a great rest of the week friends!