It’s Okay to Have a Good Cry

I often get asked, “How do you stay so positive all the time?” The reality is I wouldn’t be a very genuine person if I was pretending to be happy all the time. I definitely choose a positive mindset everyday because that is how I am wired but trust me, I allow myself a good cry when I need it. To give you some background, I have always been the “strong one” both in my family growing up and now[Read more]

Finding the Silver Linings

As we enter into week 4 of stay at home life, I’m guessing that each day gets harder for most of us in a lot of ways. As I was on a conference call last week with a client, he brought up the “silver linings” a few times and it stuck with me all weekend. As I see people posting pics of their family game nights or bike rides together, I am reminded that, while each day has brought sadness[Read more]

Staying Connected

As we hit the mid-way point of week 3 of this quarantine, I can imagine the rest of you are like me. Just trying to get through one day at a time and praying for an end to this soon. While spending more time at home with family has its perks, let’s face it, I’m guessing we also have our days where we are getting a little sick of one another too. Overnight, it seems, our daily connections with the[Read more]

The Body that God Gave Us

As I sat in church this past Sunday and listened to the message regarding how we view and treat our bodies, it really hit home since my daughter had a couple of friends that were involved in some body shaming this past week as well. I have always been very conscious about making sure that we don’t place a lot of weight in people’s size, even our own, despite the fact that we are both naturally thinner in nature. With[Read more]

Decisions. Decisions.

Most of us would consider ourselves good decision makers overall when it comes to the big life altering ones, and I’m guessing that even if you have a few not so good ones in there, you have learned from them and grown that much more as a person. When it comes to making decisions, are you an over thinker like yours truly or do you go with your gut instinct and trust that whatever the outcome, that is the best[Read more]